Although bleach may be required sometimes for disease control, but it should not be used on a regular basis. Most bacteria is eliminated with soap and water, and there are oxygen- based alternatives for laundry use. Although bleach is hilariously common and accessible, it is a potentially deadly chemical that can be mixed with many other extremely common chemicals to become even more deadly. Here are just three reasons bleach use should be considered carefully:
When bleach reacts with acids (like those found in many toilet bowl cleaners) it forms chlorine gas, a highly poisonous substance used as a chemical weapon during World War One.
When bleach reacts with ammonia, the key ingredient in Windex and many other common cleaners, it can form chloramine, another highly toxic substance.
Bleach is highly poisonous to marine life and binds with organic material to form organochlorines, toxic compounds which persist in the food chain.